Monday, January 4, 2010

3 Core Things Every College Student/Graduate Should Know For Job Hunting

Lawrence Katz, Harvard University labor economist, was quoted, "We would need well over 300,000 jobs a month for four years in a row just to make up what we've lost in the last couple of years" in an article for NPR news (  This type of information makes the importance of landing a job after college even more clear.  Pulling from my own experiences as well as those of my peers, I have developed a short list of things to know and do in order to get a job.

1.  Networking - Knowing people is one of the most important things in job searching.  Everyone has heard the saying, it's not hwo you know, it's what you know.  In actuality, it is a healthy combination of the two that will get any recent college graduate what they want.  Networking is by far the easiest way to set yourself up for success.  Knowing people can effectively open channels of communication that will provide the opportunity for landing a job that you want. -- Anyone looking for a good read on success and opportunities - Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers is an intriguing read. --

2.  People - While networking will get you so far with knowing people, havin a keen intuition of the people you meet is the next step.  Think of it as buying a new car or another big purchase.  Better deals tend to come to those who can tell, through intuition and attention to detail, if a sales person is leading them on, and therefore know when to ask the tough questions that show they mean business.  If you are able to make intuitive first impressions about the people you meet, it will be easier for you to decide if they are the type of person in which you wish to invest your time and energy.  Like a new car or a good pair of shoes, you can ask yourself, Are they just shiny on the outside?  Or will they work well for me for a long time period?

3.  Actively Search - Technology is wonderful.  It allows us to communicate in real time from any distance.  It allows us to share information about ourselves, including work histories and resumes, through selected job-finding sites.  However, it also allows individuals with outstanding resumes, creative thoughts and superb personalities to become nothing more than a number.  Posting a resume to sites such as Career Builder and Monster can be a great way of finding out where the jobs are, but it takes more than that.  Being serious about a job opening means doing a bit of research.  It means finding out who you should talk to and then taking action with that person.  Unless it is specified not to - why not pick up the phone and call for more information about the job posting?  Getting your name in a potential employers head is one way of speeding up the process.  It shows that you are not afraid to communicate with people, and that you take initiative because you are serious about your goals.  Thank you notes and hard copies of your resume/portfolio can be useful when utilized properly.

I hope that these 3 Core Goals will help!  I know there are many more things we could add to the list, but I'll leave it up to readers.  Maybe the veterans can add a bit of knowledge...